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audio cd adam de la halle 1237 1286 le jeux de robin et marion 1 cd


Треклист:Mout me fu grief li departir / Robin m'aime, Robin m'a / Portare, Pilgrim's Prologue (after Li jus du Pelerin), Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 1: Marion is happily minding her own business#Robins, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 1: Je me repairoie (Knight), Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 1: He Robin (Marion), Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 1: # when along comes a Knight on the lookout #, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 1: Vous perdes vo paine (Marion), Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 1: # but Marion means no when she says so #, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 1: Bergeronnete sui (Marion), Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 1: # and the Knight leaves empty-handed, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 1: Trairi deluriau (Marion, Knight), Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 1: Rondeau II: Li dous regars, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 1: Rondeau XV: Tant con je vivrai, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 2: He Robechon leure leure va (Marion, Robin), Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 2: # and tastes some of her fare #, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 2: Vous l'orres bien dire (Robin), Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 2: # and tests her fidelity #, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 2: Bergeronnete douche baisselete (Robin, Marion), Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 2: # and she tests his dancing prowess #, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 2: Robin par l'ame (Marion, Robin), Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 2: # and Robin goes for reinforcements #, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 2: # his manly cousins, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Motet II: De ma dame / Dieus / Omnes, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 3: Robin rounds up guests for the party, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Motet: Mout me fu grief li departir / Robin m'aime / Portar, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 4: The Knight returns to find his bird #, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 4: J'oi Robin flagoler (Marion), Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 4: # beats up Robin and kidnaps Marion #, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 4: He resveille toi Robin (Gautiers li Testus), Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 4: # but Robin is aroused to the point of valour, Le Jeu De Robin Et De Marion (The Play Of Robin And Marion): Scene 4: Rondeau Iii: Hareu, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 5: Marion sees off the Knight, her friends roll up #, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 5: Aveuc tele compaignie (tous), Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 5: # and it's time for all kinds of party games, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 6: Robin rescues a sheep, declares his love #, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 6: J'ai encore un tel paste (Robin), Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 6: # and promises some delicacies of his own #, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 6: Que jou ai un tel capon (Robin), Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 6: # when he returns, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 6: A Dieu (Adam / Super), Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 7: Robin brings a pair of horns to the party #, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 7: Audigier (Gautiers li Testus), Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 7: # gets over his jealousy and gets everyone on thei, Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Scene 7: Venes apres moi (Robin et al), Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion): Motet: Mout me fu grief li departir / Robin m'aime / Portar

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